Art Mill Gallery Honeoye Falls NY, USA, Painting lessons with Lanna Pejovic, Drawing lessons with Denise Heischmann
Teachers Seminary Lebermatt Bern and University of Bern
Master of Science for Teachers, Art Department RIT NY, USA
Sommer Workshop with Lanna Pajovic, Linwood NY, USA
Sommer Workshop with Carol Acquilano, Artwood NY, USA
Irene Marzano
Irene Marzano grew up in Schwarzenburg, Switzerland. After she completed her teaching degree with the University of Bern she moved to Rochester NY, USA where she studied Fine Art at the Rochester Institure of Technology and was awarded a MST degree by the University.
She has had numerous group and solo exhibitions in NY and in Switzerland. A significant amount of her work are private client portrait commisions. Her medium of choice is oil. Currently she lives with her family in Winterthur.